Membership has its perks but we're pretty egalitarian when it comes right down to it, so all paid membership levels include the same benefits. The only restriction to joining? You must be a resident of Pendleton Heights or someone who owns property in our neighborhood. Owners of businesses situated within the boundaries of Pendleton Heights are also eligible for Individual Memberships.
Individual Membership*: This option is for those who want to be more involved in the evolution of their neighborhood.
Student Membership: If you're currently attending school while simultaneously juggling this-that-and-the-other-thing, you deserve a break. Here it is.
Senior Membership: This option is for you if you're age 65+ at a well-earned discount.
If none of these membership types are for you, that's okay because there are other ways to participate in the evolution of PH, like volunteering to help with street sweeps, alley sweeps, or in the PH Community Garden and Orchard. Not a resident but want to stay in the know? Reach out to and we'll add you to our Contacts.
Not a resident but love what we're about? See that "Donate "tab up there? We are humbly grateful for your generosity.
* Resident of Pendleton Heights = a homeowner whose primary residence is within the legal boundaries of PH, or a residential tenant whose primary residence is within the legal boundaries of PH.